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Praise  for


An Invitation to Love...

A Legacy of Love

"A golden tapestry of birth, life, death & beyond...

laced with miracles..."

"The most moving & inspiring book

I've ever read."

"It took me through a whole range of emotions from tears to laughter and back to Love."

"A little book of Miracles."

"A precious treasure, a dream in today's

fast paced world."

"A loving and wonderful book that will shed Divine Light on what a father can really mean & aspire to."

A BEAUTIFUL book. God's Love and Grace truly shines through your story.

Such a wonderful, positive, yet SO deeply touching story.

"A journey that takes you from Washington, D.C., the Whit House, The Templar Knights, to Southern California to a 500 acre ranch in Harmony and back again."

"Someday, after mastering winds, waves, tides and gravity, we shall harness the energy of Love, and for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire."

-Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

I extend an invitation to you...

An Invitation to Love, embrace this book fully for it will take you through a legacy of birth, life, death, miracles & beyond, and always with Love.

May these words touch you in such a way that you will spread this circle of Love to others until perhaps, just perhaps we will all walk in Love..."


A beautiful story of a daughter's love for her father, written 1 year after his death in 2007. "Daddy, An Invitation to Love..." will warm your heart, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be inspired. Told in her own style, Deborah Brooks, honors the love she and her father shared with each other...

Truly, a timeless treasure for all who have loved deeply. Includes family photos dating back to the early 1900's in Washington, D.C. and beyond.

220 Pages with photos

$21.99 Signed by the Author

E-Book available

I extend an invitation to you...

An Invitation to Love...

Embrace this book fully for it will take you through a legacy of birth, life, death, miracles & beyond, always with Love.

May these words touch you in such a way that you will spread this circle of Love to others until perhaps, just perhaps

we will all walk in Love..."


Book Signed by the Author $21.99:


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